Forthcoming Book Project
FORTHCOMING: A large-format limited-edition luxury book with texts by Jason Edward Kaufman about a unique series of artworks. More information coming soon.

Hail Hockney: The $90-Million Man
David Hockney is no stranger to the limelight, but lately the Los Angeles-based painter and photographer has had unprecedented exposure and the value of his work has risen exponentially, culminating in a canvas selling for more than $90 million.

Warhol at the Whitney
If you weren’t around for the posthumous Andy Warhol retrospective at MoMA in 1989, and you haven’t studied postwar art, your knowledge about the Pop icon likely centers on soup cans and Marilyns. The Warhol retrospective at the Whitney Museum (until March 31, 2019) fleshes out his life and career.

Metropolitan Museum May Move Forward with Plan to Install Art on Fifth Avenue Facade
The Metropolitan Museum of Art may move forward with a plan to install art on its Fifth Avenue facade. Vacant plinths under the arches on either side of the great stairs may become a public showcase for contemporary art projects.

Thoughts on a Chinese Artist Studying a Western Old Master [Jin Shangyi at Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing]
Jin Shangyi, a major Socialist Realist artist of the People’s Republic of China, explores the Classical realist tradition in three paintings based on masterpieces by Vermeer that are the centerpiece of his retrospective at the Central Academy of Fine Arts Museum in Beijing in 2011.
Should the Getty merge its CEO and museum director positions
IN VIEW blog, June 17, 2010
A complete list of past articles is available here.