Unknown Numbers

FORTHCOMING: A large-format limited-edition luxury book about the series of 100 artworks known as “Unknown Numbers” and featuring texts by Jason Edward Kaufman. Each canvas consists of a black numeral set within a white circle at the center of an orange field. The canvases are identical except for the numbers themselves, which proceed in sequence from 0 to 99. Each artwork is unique. These are the first and only artworks produced by the artist, whose identity is not disclosed. The book will be published by Assouline in 2025.

David Hockney, Henry Geldzahler and Christopher Scott, 1968

Hail Hockney: The $90-Million Man

David Hockney is no stranger to the limelight, but lately the Los Angeles-based painter and photographer has had unprecedented exposure and the value of his work has risen exponentially, culminating in a canvas selling for more than $90 million.

Half of Warhol's set of 32 Campbell's Soup Cans, 1962, synthetic polymer paint on canvas, each 20 x 16", The Museum of Modern Art, New York.

Warhol at the Whitney

If you weren’t around for the posthumous Andy Warhol retrospective at MoMA in 1989, and you haven’t studied postwar art, your knowledge about the Pop icon likely centers on soup cans and Marilyns. The Warhol retrospective at the Whitney Museum (until March 31, 2019) fleshes out his life and career.

Jason Edward Kaufman is an art historian and critic with expertise in museums and the international art world.

A complete list of past articles is available here.

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